Staff and volunteers of ACDA
1. Mr. Somphet AKHAVONG, President of ACDA
2. Ms. Manith PHILAVAHN, 1st Vice President, Finance Unit
3. Mr. Vangsamout Singkeut, 2nd Vice President, Administration
4. Ms. Soumatsa PHOMMACHARK, Committee, Website&Database/IT Unit
5. Mr. Vonelachit LATDAXAY, Committee, Responsible Intelligent disability.
6. Ms. Phasouny KEOVONGPHET, Assistant Finance and Administration, Volunteer
7. Mr. Viegkham LORVANXAY, Coordinator with govemment, Volunteer.
8. Mr. Vongvichit PHOMMALATH, Assistant administration (driver), Volunteer.
9. Mr. Phoukhaoo SENGKEOMXAY, Sport and Literature Unit, Volunteer.
1. Mr. Somphet AKHAVONG, President of ACDA
2. Ms. Manith PHILAVAHN, 1st Vice President, Finance Unit
3. Mr. Vangsamout Singkeut, 2nd Vice President, Administration
4. Ms. Soumatsa PHOMMACHARK, Committee, Website&Database/IT Unit
5. Mr. Vonelachit LATDAXAY, Committee, Responsible Intelligent disability.
6. Ms. Phasouny KEOVONGPHET, Assistant Finance and Administration, Volunteer
7. Mr. Viegkham LORVANXAY, Coordinator with govemment, Volunteer.
8. Mr. Vongvichit PHOMMALATH, Assistant administration (driver), Volunteer.
9. Mr. Phoukhaoo SENGKEOMXAY, Sport and Literature Unit, Volunteer.